tirsdag 22. februar 2011

Engelsk Rapport Thingy

Petter and I chose to work at Sundvolden Hotel for the next two weeks. We thought we would be working with the receptionists at the hotell for a while, but no. Our first assignment was to go out and shovel snow. It was super exiting and so educating. Not really, but atleast we got some fresh air. We had to go around the hotel and clear the fire exits, doors and staircases. We used snow shovels and brooms for this. After we had doen this we went inside to the janitor again. He sendt us to the fourth floor of the new building and told us to clear the balconies of each and every room. It was a totall of twelve balconies. This was a big job and we used approximately six days for this. But we had other tasks aswell during theese days. Like for example picking up the trash and throw it in the garbage, sorting soda bottles in the storage, changing light bulbes in the restaurant and cleaning in the storage building.

This was what we did our first week, mainly we shoveled snow. The next week we got a bit different assignements. We got to set up a konferanceroom in the hotel and sort out the chairs and tables. This was better than to shovel snow. We also had to change the little bumps under each leg of the chairs. A totall of 300 chairs were changed. Still better than beeing out in the snow.

The last day I got sick and I spent my entire day looking down the toilet. Super fun
I dont know what Petter did. I think he chilled at home.

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